Monday, February 9, 2009

The Eagle Has Landed

So here we are, once again, in Houston! Our craft has safely made contact with the terra firma of Houston and we have make some progress on making our home here. As we learned, versus the first time we moved here, this is one small step for a couple, but one giant leap for a family.

Now that things are more settled I have managed to get some pictures of our new life in Houston and posted them to an album, see link left "Houston Zoo Feb 2009." We have a membership to the Houston Zoo already and have been there 2 times. Claire likes it a lot, especially because there is a miniature train that goes around Hermann Park.

If you ask Claire she'll say she likes Houston -- I think that there is more for her to do here than in California during the week, because her new nanny, Dabby, drives her to activities during the week.

Gymboree: She is enrolled in "Gymboree," which is a class held once a week, for a child accompanied by an adult, that is sort of pre-pre-school - there is a lot more playing than in a school but also some structure and some concepts (up/down, colors, etc) introduced. They also have "open gym" which is where you can just go and have at their indoor playground, which she seems to like and will be a great alternative to playing outside when the weather turns.

Library: There is a weekly story time at the library in English, followed by a Spanish/English story time where they also do crafts. She comes home with capes and pipe cleaner dolls and little things like that which are VERY Exciting and she can't wait to tell Mommy & Daddy about.

Two Parks: There are two playgrounds in our neighborhood that are in walking distance, so Dabby mixes it up a little bit and will go to one in the morning, one in the afternoon.

In other news, Claire is in the process of being potty trained and yesterday we had a big breakthrough - she went poo poo in the potty, or as her daddy told her, and she repeats, she "took a big crap." Luckily she can't say "crap" very well so she is not broadcasting this message to the world.

Evelyn is also doing well. A lot of activity in the uterus, as there should be. Morgan is convinced she is going to be a very active baby. Time will tell! Claire is very excited about Evelyn coming out but also very concerned that we know that there are going to be two babies in the house - not one baby and one little girl. We need to spend some time this month getting organized so that we have all of the newborn stuff out and ready for her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you read these?