Saturday, March 22, 2008


Today we celebrated Easter with Claire. This entailed pretty much the same routine as any other weekend, with the exception of some dress up with an Easter dress and hat, and some easter toys. The regular routine was to walk to Mountain View for a cappuccino, hang out at the park, and make a visit to a zoo type thing. This week it was the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo, which is this pretty incredible (and free) museum that is basically a room of science-related toys where kids come in and basically go bananas, and then an outside portion that has a duck pond and some other animals. Claire seemed to really enjoy it.

Check out the new pics in the Easter link, above left. Really cute pictures this time, though I'm her mother so I could be biased.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy Hollow

Claire enjoys playing with Bob & Marie Clapp's daughters, Sammy & Sidney.
Please click through to the link at above left for Happy Hollow to see pictures.

You will also see a link for Easter. This is the first pic of many to come of Claire enjoying easter-related gifts. This one came from Bob & Pat, and it sings a chicken song. Unfortunatetly, the sound on the video didn't work right, but we heard Claire saying "duck, duck, more duck."

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Daddy's birthday

Claire celebrated her dad's birthday March 7 with cake and a gigantic, donut shaped balloon. We had a cake lit with many candles which Morgan blew out. Claire looked at the candles with an expression of skepticism - she seemed to be saying "Are you guys sure that is such a good idea?"
See the pictures under March 2008 (link above left).

We had a good weekend with a hike to Borel Hill, a 15 mile bike ride and other general outdoor enjoyment with perfect weather.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

TWO balls

Today Claire told us that she was carrying two balls. Not just a ball, or balls, but two balls.

This was while we were visiting Maria at her spacious, clean house in Santa Clara, playing in her gigantic playroom that was converted out of a garage. I think we are converts to Santa Clara. For the same rent, we could get two bathrooms, three real bathrooms and a backyard, so I'm told.

This weekend we also went on a hike in the redwood forest, Henry Coe state park. It was beautiful. See pictures in the March 2008 link to the above left.

Also, Claire had two surprises in the mail! Mrs. Pfahl sent a belated Christmas present - wedgits! And Grandma Lewis sent two shirts. See pictures to see how much she loves them.